March 14, 2014

108 CHAKRA SOUPS recipe 6 - Inner vision - "Ajna chakra"

Ajna Chakra, means both "the perception center" and "the command center." Associated with the element light and the color indigo blue, the sixth chakra is located between and just above the physical eyes, creating the spiritual third eye. While our two eyes see the material world, our sixth chakra sees beyond the physical. This vision includes clairvoyance, telepathy, intuition, dreaming, imagination, and visualization. The seed syllable is Aum, or "Pranava Om", the supreme sound.
When one establishes himself in the place between the eyebrows he goes beyond all the kinds of desires that motivate life and impel one to move in many directions. All experience and ideas serve only to clarify one's perceptions in Ajna Chakra. The plane of neutrality (Sarasvati) appears as a balance between solar and lunar energy within the body. Ida (river Ganga, feminine, lunar) and Pingala (river Jamuna, masculine, solar) nerve energies separate from the Sushumna channel at the Muladhara chakra, intertwine up through all chakras and meet with the Sarasvati, becoming one at Ajna Chakra. This brings the sense of oneness and of unity with the cosmic laws that appear in the plane of austerity. They then again separate, running into the left and right nostrils. Negative and positive, the components of duality, become equalized in Sarasvati, leaving a state of pure music and neutrality.

Recipe 6Ajna Chakra"Inner Vision"
The soups have to be made with fresh ingredients. Please avoid as much as possible canned or even frozen food because it impacts not only the taste but also the nutrient aspects. I also advice of please do not freeze the soup.  Do not microwave to warm up.
In general my recipe are for 2 meals for one person or one meal for two people. You can always cut the ingredients in half, if you want to make it less. 
When possible it is better if the soup can rest for sometimes before to be warmed up again and eaten. The rest will allow the flavours of the various ingredients to better melt into each other and bring up the final taste of the soup.
1 oignon
a clove of garlic
3 spoons of bio vegetable oil
1/2 of a big sweet potato 
a piece of broccoli
1/2 red bell pepper
1 cup of  green moong
small piece of ginger
small piece of turmeric
1/2 Bio vegetable cube
1 Masala cube
3 full spoon of olive oil

Put the oil into the pot add the onion previously cut  into pieces, the garlic. Let it fry a little  while you will be cutting the other vegetables. Add the vegetables, the cubes, 1 liter of boiling filtered water and the green moong, the fresh turmeric and ginger grated. 
I never add any extra salt, the one contained in the cube is already enough!
Once the mix is boiling lower the flame and let it cook 45min, stir it once in a while. 
Once done switch off, add the 2 spoons of olive oil, the cilantro and stir. Let it cool down a bit before blending it in the pot itself. When you blend do not make it completely creamy but leaves some chunks, for that a manual blender is better. Let it for sometime,  warm it up before eating. 

Hare OM

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